
Showing posts from June, 2021

New Squier Vintage Modified '72 Telecaster Thinline

A couple years back I bought a Squier Vintage Modified '72 Telecaster Thinline electric guitar from the good people at Sweetwater. It was the last they had on hand and I was lucky to jump on it because a few days after I purchased it, Fender announced that they were shutting down the Vintage Modified line because it had become too expensive to produce them in Indonesia, and that, additionally, they were discontinuing most of their ash bodied guitar models due to the scarcity of wood. I got in just under the wire to purchase Otis. Skip ahead if you don't care about my reasons for wanting one and what shaped my decision to purchase: Preamble - A Platform for Modification and an Education in Personal Preference At the time, I was looking for an electric guitar that I could use as a platform for modification; something that would let me try something that felt and sounded different from my Hagstrom Swede (Ember) to get a better idea of the qualities I like in a guitar, and help...